Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Satin Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Length: 3-3/8 in.
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Assembled Width: 5/8 in.
*Assembled Length: 3-3/8 in.
*Wattage: 3-3/8 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Beveled Frame: Satin Nickel
*Width: 5/8 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Satin Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Brushed Chrome
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Material: Carbon Steel
*Width: 5/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 3/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Assembled Length: 3-5/16 in.
*Length: 3-5/16 in.
*Wattage: 3-5/16 in.
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Polished Brass
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Assembled Length: 3-5/16 in.
*Width: 3/8 in.
*Beveled Frame: Polished Brass
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Wattage: 3-5/16 in.
*Length: 3-5/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 3/8 in.
*Material: Carbon Steel
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Polished Brass,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Polished Chrome
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Length: 3-5/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 3/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Material: Carbon Steel
*Assembled Length: 3-5/16 in.
*Width: 3/8 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Polished Chrome,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Blythe
*Style: Traditional
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Weathered Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Width: 9/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 9/16 in.
*Beveled Frame: Weathered Nickel
*Assembled Length: 3-5/8 in.
*Length: 3-5/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Wattage: 3-5/8 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Cabinet Hardware,Blythe,Weathered Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Shape: Arch
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Satin Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Material: Zinc
*Length: 4-1/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 7/16 in.
*Projection: 3/4 in.
*Width: 7/16 in.
*Assembled Length: 4-1/16 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Satin Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Shape: Arch
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Polished Chrome
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Length: 4 in.
*Assembled Width: 7/16 in.
*Projection: 3/4 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Material: Zinc
*Assembled Length: 4 in.
*Width: 7/16 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Polished Chrome,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Polished Brass
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Material: Zinc
*Assembled Length: 4 in.
*Length: 4 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Assembled Width: 7/16 in.
*Projection: 3/4 in.
*Width: 7/16 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Polished Brass,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Oil-Rubbed Bronze
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Assembled Length: 5-1/8 in.
*Projection: 1 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Assembled Width: 5/8 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Length: 5-1/8 in.
*Width: 5/8 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Oil-Rubbed Bronze,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Antique English
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Width: 1 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Assembled Length: 5-1/2 in.
*Assembled Width: 1 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Length: 5-1/2 in.
*Wattage: 4-1/4 in.
*Beveled Frame: Antique Brass
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Antique English,Pull/Backplate
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Shape: Arch
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3-3/4 in.
*Finish: Satin Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Assembled Length: 4-9/16 in.
*Projection: 1-1/16 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Width: 7/16 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Length: 4-9/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 7/16 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Satin Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3-3/4 in.
*Finish: Satin Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Width: 1/2 in.
*Projection: 1-1/16 in.
*Assembled Length: 4-13/16 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Material: Zinc
*Length: 4-13/16 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Assembled Width: 1/2 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Satin Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Antique English
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Beveled Frame: Antique Brass
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Assembled Width: 3/4 in.
*Projection: 3/4 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Assembled Length: 4-13/16 in.
*Wattage: 4-3/4 in.
*Width: 3/4 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Length: 4-13/16 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Antique English,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Antique Brass
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Wattage: 4-5/16 in.
*Length: 4-5/16 in.
*Projection: 7/8 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Beveled Frame: Antique Brass
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Width: 5/8 in.
*Assembled Width: 5/8 in.
*Assembled Length: 4-5/16 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Antique Brass,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3-3/4 in.
*Finish: Oil-Rubbed Bronze
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Width: 1/2 in.
*Length: 4-13/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 1/2 in.
*Projection: 1-1/16 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Assembled Length: 4-13/16 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Oil-Rubbed Bronze,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Light Brass
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Material: Zinc
*Wattage: 4-7/8 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Length: 4-7/8 in.
*Projection: 1 in.
*Width: 5/8 in.
*Assembled Width: 5/8 in.
*Beveled Frame: Light Brass
*Assembled Length: 4-7/8 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Light Antique Brass,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: The Anniversary Collection
*Style: Anniversary
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Sterling Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Beveled Frame: Sterling Nickel
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Projection: 1-1/8 in.
*Assembled Length: 5 in.
*Wattage: 5 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Length: 5 in.
*Width: 1/2 in.
*Assembled Width: 1/2 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,The Anniversary Collection,Sterling Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: White/Polished Chrome
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Length: 4-7/8 in.
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Assembled Length: 4-7/8 in.
*Beveled Frame: White/Polished Chrome
*Wattage: 4-7/8 in.
*Assembled Width: 3/4 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Material: Ceramic and Zinc
*Width: 3/4 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,White/Polished Chrome,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Satin Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Wattage: 5-1/8 in.
*Length: 5-1/16 in.
*Beveled Frame: Satin Nickel
*Width: 9/16 in.
*Assembled Length: 5-1/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 9/16 in.
*Projection: 15/16 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Material: Zinc
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Satin Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Inspirations
*Style: Inspirations
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Weathered Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Projection: 1 in.
*Width: 11/16 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Length: 5-5/8 in.
*Assembled Length: 5-5/8 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Assembled Width: 11/16 in.
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Finish: Antique Brass
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Assembled Width: 1-3/8 in.
*Assembled Length: 1-3/8 in.
*Projection: 9/16 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Material: Zinc
*Length: 1-3/8 in.
*Width: 1-3/8 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,Antique English,Knob
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: EssentialZ
*Style: Essential'Z
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Satin Nickel
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Assembled Length: 4-1/2 in.
*Assembled Width: 9/16 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Length: 4-1/2 in.
*Width: 9/16 in.
*Projection: 1 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Cabinet Hardware,Essential'Z,Satin Nickel,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Forgings
*Style: Forgings
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Rustic Bronze
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Length: 4-1/8 in.
*Width: 13/16 in.
*Projection: 1-1/16 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Assembled Length: 4-1/8 in.
*Assembled Width: 13/16 in.
*Material: Zinc
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Cabinet Hardware,Forgings,Rustic Bronze,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Sub Brand: Allison
*Style: Allison
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: White/Polished Brass
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Length: 4-15/16 in.
*Assembled Width: 3/4 in.
*Width: 3/4 in.
*Beveled Frame: White/Polished Brass
*Assembled Length: 4-15/16 in.
*Material: Ceramic and Zinc
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Projection: 1-1/4 in.
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Wattage: 4-15/16 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Allison Value,White/Polished Brass,Pull
Brand Name: Amerock
*Style: Natural Elegance
*Product Type: Cabinet Pull
*Center-To-Center: 3 in.
*Finish: Burnished Brass
*Number in Package: 1 pk
*Assembled Length: 5-1/8 in.
*Hardware Included: Yes
*Material: Zinc
*Packaging Type: Bagged
*Width: 3/4 in.
*Beveled Frame: Burnished Brass
*Wattage: 5-1/8 in.
*Projection: 1 in.
*Length: 5-1/8 in.
*Assembled Width: 3/4 in.
*Cabinet Hardware,Natural Elegance,Burnished Brass,Pull